Thursday, October 8, 2009

This is how my day was today...

How was yours?



ha ha mine was the same as yours if you can believe it!

The Price Family

I will take poop explosions all day long over these dumb 17 credits I am taking. I dislike school very much. But even though there is so much poop. The one who made it is so very very cute and I want to squeeze him. :) One day i will meet him ....

.From Her.

I'm telling ya...

Cloth diapers is the way to go. Hugh blew out DAILY. MULTIPLE TIMES.

Never. Ever. With cloth. :)

The Harrisons

haha gross!! June's been having plenty of those lately!

Daniel & Shandi



bueno el mio es peliando con mis hijos, que no se peguen entre ellos. lorenzo ahora le gusta estar desnudo por toda la casa varias horas se quita hasta el pañal